Catch the Hottest Shows in 2024!

From incredible pop to the hottest classic rock, from down-home country to chart-topping hip hop, there's a ton of great music coming to the Twin Cities in 2024 — and if you hurry, there's still time to score amazing tickets for any Minneapolis Concert on the schedule! We're talking about superstars like Metallica, Green Day, Avril Lavigne, Gabriel Iglesias, and Zach Bryan, and because we've got great listings for every show and at every price point, you can catch it all, regardless of your budget.

And because we'll update this site automatically to reflect the latest info about upcoming dates, it will remain a great resource going forward as well. Don't see anything on the current schedule that piques your interest? Then check it again in a little bit, as it will include a whole new batch of great shows!

Check out the current schedule below to learn more the can't-miss performances coming to the city's biggest venues in the next few months — but don't wait. If you're looking to score the best Minneapolis Concert Tickets for the year's hottest shows, then you'd better snag yours right away!


Minneapolis Concerts

The diverse culture and population of Minneapolis have resulted in an equally diverse array of entertainment options in the area. With both of its banks hugging the Mississippi River, those who visit the city will be dazzled by its natural beauty, as well as with the thriving arts community. People from all over the world don’t hesitate to get all of the Minneapolis Concert tickets they could get their hands on, to have the chance to experience the most unforgettable and world-renowned productions.

Discover the Twin Cities with Minneapolis Concert Tickets

Lying on both banks of the Mississippi River, Minneapolis is the largest city in the state of Minnesota and adjoins the city of St. Paul, which is the state’s capital; also collectively known as Twin Cities, these two cities form the core of the sixteenth-largest metropolitan area in the United States – Minneapolis-St. Paul. As the main business center between Seattle and Chicago, visitors flock to the city every year to do business and to experience the city’s culture and entertainment options. Minneapolis Concert tickets are constantly sold out to those who want a taste of the city’s thriving visual and performing arts community.

Breathtaking Performances with Minneapolis Concert Tickets

Prepare to see some of the most breathtaking performances in the music and entertainment industries, and buy your Minneapolis Concert tickets now! Although it may be enough for some people to visit the city and bask in its natural beauty, your visit will not be complete without experiencing the best of Minneapolis’ entertainment scene. You won’t be disappointed with the choices you will be presented with – as the city is the country’s third-largest theater market after New York and Chicago!